刚开始学习Ogre的时候,用的是BaseApplication这个框架,但是该框架不能满足更大规模的开发需求,比如不能进行游戏场景切换,游戏状态切换,后来我用了Advanced Ogre Framework,这是一个很不错的游戏框架,总共包含17个文件, 使用起来不是太难,可以看下官网上的介绍http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Advanced+Ogre+Framework
Ogre SKD中Sample_Character那个sinbad挺好玩的,花了点时间把它移植到到了Advanced Ogre Framework,可以很容易利用这开发一个小游戏或者虚拟人物漫游系统,至于场景的话可以在3dsmax中构建,然后利用Ogremax插件导出为场景文件,在createscene方法中加入下面三行代码即可导入场景
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DotSceneLoader* pDotSceneLoader = new DotSceneLoader(); pDotSceneLoader->parseDotScene("你自己构建的场景.xml", "General", m_pSceneMgr, m_pSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()); delete pDotSceneLoader; |
我在Advanced Ogre Framework新增加的四个文件代码如下,加入的这四个文件实现了可操纵的sinbad:
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#ifndef __Sinbad_H__ #define __Sinbad_H__ #include "Ogre.h" #include "OIS.h" using namespace Ogre; #define NUM_ANIMS 13 // number of animations the character has #define CHAR_HEIGHT 5 // height of character's center of mass above ground #define CAM_HEIGHT 2 // height of camera above character's center of mass #define RUN_SPEED 17 // character running speed in units per second #define TURN_SPEED 500.0f // character turning in degrees per second #define ANIM_FADE_SPEED 7.5f // animation crossfade speed in % of full weight per second #define JUMP_ACCEL 30.0f // character jump acceleration in upward units per squared second #define GRAVITY 90.0f // gravity in downward units per squared second class SinbadCharacterController { private: // all the animations our character has, and a null ID // some of these affect separate body parts and will be blended together enum AnimID { ANIM_IDLE_BASE, ANIM_IDLE_TOP, ANIM_RUN_BASE, ANIM_RUN_TOP, ANIM_HANDS_CLOSED, ANIM_HANDS_RELAXED, ANIM_DRAW_SWORDS, ANIM_SLICE_VERTICAL, ANIM_SLICE_HORIZONTAL, ANIM_DANCE, ANIM_JUMP_START, ANIM_JUMP_LOOP, ANIM_JUMP_END, ANIM_NONE }; public: SinbadCharacterController(Camera* cam); void addTime(Real deltaTime); void injectKeyDown(const OIS::KeyEvent& evt); void injectKeyUp(const OIS::KeyEvent& evt); void injectMouseMove(const OIS::MouseEvent& evt); void injectMouseDown(const OIS::MouseEvent& evt, OIS::MouseButtonID id); private: void setupBody(SceneManager* sceneMgr); void setupAnimations(); void setupCamera(Camera* cam); void updateBody(Real deltaTime); void updateAnimations(Real deltaTime); void fadeAnimations(Real deltaTime); void updateCamera(Real deltaTime); void updateCameraGoal(Real deltaYaw, Real deltaPitch, Real deltaZoom); void setBaseAnimation(AnimID id, bool reset = false); void setTopAnimation(AnimID id, bool reset = false); Camera* mCamera; SceneNode* mBodyNode; SceneNode* mCameraPivot; SceneNode* mCameraGoal; SceneNode* mCameraNode; Real mPivotPitch; Entity* mBodyEnt; Entity* mSword1; Entity* mSword2; RibbonTrail* mSwordTrail; AnimationState* mAnims[NUM_ANIMS]; // master animation list AnimID mBaseAnimID; // current base (full- or lower-body) animation AnimID mTopAnimID; // current top (upper-body) animation bool mFadingIn[NUM_ANIMS]; // which animations are fading in bool mFadingOut[NUM_ANIMS]; // which animations are fading out bool mSwordsDrawn; Vector3 mKeyDirection; // player's local intended direction based on WASD keys Vector3 mGoalDirection; // actual intended direction in world-space Real mVerticalVelocity; // for jumping Real mTimer; // general timer to see how long animations have been playing }; #endif |
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#include "SinbadCharacterController.hpp" SinbadCharacterController::SinbadCharacterController(Camera* cam){ setupBody(cam->getSceneManager()); setupCamera(cam); setupAnimations(); } void SinbadCharacterController::addTime(Real deltaTime){ updateBody(deltaTime); updateAnimations(deltaTime); updateCamera(deltaTime); } void SinbadCharacterController::injectKeyDown(const OIS::KeyEvent& evt) { if (evt.key == OIS::KC_Q && (mTopAnimID == ANIM_IDLE_TOP || mTopAnimID == ANIM_RUN_TOP)) { // take swords out (or put them back, since it's the same animation but reversed) setTopAnimation(ANIM_DRAW_SWORDS, true); mTimer = 0; } else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_E && !mSwordsDrawn) { if (mTopAnimID == ANIM_IDLE_TOP || mTopAnimID == ANIM_RUN_TOP) { // start dancing setBaseAnimation(ANIM_DANCE, true); setTopAnimation(ANIM_NONE); // disable hand animation because the dance controls hands mAnims[ANIM_HANDS_RELAXED]->setEnabled(false); } else if (mBaseAnimID == ANIM_DANCE) { // stop dancing setBaseAnimation(ANIM_IDLE_BASE); setTopAnimation(ANIM_IDLE_TOP); // re-enable hand animation mAnims[ANIM_HANDS_RELAXED]->setEnabled(true); } } // keep track of the player's intended direction else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_W) mKeyDirection.z = -1; else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_A) mKeyDirection.x = -1; else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_S) mKeyDirection.z = 1; else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_D) mKeyDirection.x = 1; else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_SPACE && (mTopAnimID == ANIM_IDLE_TOP || mTopAnimID == ANIM_RUN_TOP)) { // jump if on ground setBaseAnimation(ANIM_JUMP_START, true); setTopAnimation(ANIM_NONE); mTimer = 0; } if (!mKeyDirection.isZeroLength() && mBaseAnimID == ANIM_IDLE_BASE) { // start running if not already moving and the player wants to move setBaseAnimation(ANIM_RUN_BASE, true); if (mTopAnimID == ANIM_IDLE_TOP) setTopAnimation(ANIM_RUN_TOP, true); } } void SinbadCharacterController::injectKeyUp(const OIS::KeyEvent& evt) { // keep track of the player's intended direction if (evt.key == OIS::KC_W && mKeyDirection.z == -1) mKeyDirection.z = 0; else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_A && mKeyDirection.x == -1) mKeyDirection.x = 0; else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_S && mKeyDirection.z == 1) mKeyDirection.z = 0; else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_D && mKeyDirection.x == 1) mKeyDirection.x = 0; if (mKeyDirection.isZeroLength() && mBaseAnimID == ANIM_RUN_BASE) { // stop running if already moving and the player doesn't want to move setBaseAnimation(ANIM_IDLE_BASE); if (mTopAnimID == ANIM_RUN_TOP) setTopAnimation(ANIM_IDLE_TOP); } } void SinbadCharacterController::injectMouseMove(const OIS::MouseEvent& evt) { // update camera goal based on mouse movement updateCameraGoal(-0.05f * evt.state.X.rel, -0.05f * evt.state.Y.rel, -0.0005f * evt.state.Z.rel); } void SinbadCharacterController::injectMouseDown(const OIS::MouseEvent& evt, OIS::MouseButtonID id) { if (mSwordsDrawn && (mTopAnimID == ANIM_IDLE_TOP || mTopAnimID == ANIM_RUN_TOP)) { // if swords are out, and character's not doing something weird, then SLICE! if (id == OIS::MB_Left) setTopAnimation(ANIM_SLICE_VERTICAL, true); else if (id == OIS::MB_Right) setTopAnimation(ANIM_SLICE_HORIZONTAL, true); mTimer = 0; } } void SinbadCharacterController::setupBody(SceneManager* sceneMgr) { // create main model mBodyNode = sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(Vector3::UNIT_Y * CHAR_HEIGHT); mBodyEnt = sceneMgr->createEntity("SinbadBody", "Sinbad.mesh"); mBodyNode->attachObject(mBodyEnt); // create swords and attach to sheath mSword1 = sceneMgr->createEntity("SinbadSword1", "Sword.mesh"); mSword2 = sceneMgr->createEntity("SinbadSword2", "Sword.mesh"); mBodyEnt->attachObjectToBone("Sheath.L", mSword1); mBodyEnt->attachObjectToBone("Sheath.R", mSword2); // create a couple of ribbon trails for the swords, just for fun NameValuePairList params; params["numberOfChains"] = "2"; params["maxElements"] = "80"; mSwordTrail = (RibbonTrail*)sceneMgr->createMovableObject("RibbonTrail", ¶ms); mSwordTrail->setMaterialName("Examples/LightRibbonTrail"); mSwordTrail->setTrailLength(20); mSwordTrail->setVisible(false); sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->attachObject(mSwordTrail); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { mSwordTrail->setInitialColour(i, 1, 0.8, 0); mSwordTrail->setColourChange(i, 0.75, 1.25, 1.25, 1.25); mSwordTrail->setWidthChange(i, 1); mSwordTrail->setInitialWidth(i, 0.5); } mKeyDirection = Vector3::ZERO; mVerticalVelocity = 0; } void SinbadCharacterController::setupAnimations() { // this is very important due to the nature of the exported animations mBodyEnt->getSkeleton()->setBlendMode(ANIMBLEND_CUMULATIVE); String animNames[] = {"IdleBase", "IdleTop", "RunBase", "RunTop", "HandsClosed", "HandsRelaxed", "DrawSwords", "SliceVertical", "SliceHorizontal", "Dance", "JumpStart", "JumpLoop", "JumpEnd"}; // populate our animation list for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ANIMS; i++) { mAnims[i] = mBodyEnt->getAnimationState(animNames[i]); mAnims[i]->setLoop(true); mFadingIn[i] = false; mFadingOut[i] = false; } // start off in the idle state (top and bottom together) setBaseAnimation(ANIM_IDLE_BASE); setTopAnimation(ANIM_IDLE_TOP); // relax the hands since we're not holding anything mAnims[ANIM_HANDS_RELAXED]->setEnabled(true); mSwordsDrawn = false; } void SinbadCharacterController::setupCamera(Camera* cam) { // create a pivot at roughly the character's shoulder mCameraPivot = cam->getSceneManager()->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(); // this is where the camera should be soon, and it spins around the pivot mCameraGoal = mCameraPivot->createChildSceneNode(Vector3(0, 0, 15)); // this is where the camera actually is mCameraNode = cam->getSceneManager()->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(); mCameraNode->setPosition(mCameraPivot->getPosition() + mCameraGoal->getPosition()); mCameraPivot->setFixedYawAxis(true); mCameraGoal->setFixedYawAxis(true); mCameraNode->setFixedYawAxis(true); // our model is quite small, so reduce the clipping planes cam->setNearClipDistance(0.1f); cam->setFarClipDistance(100000); mCameraNode->attachObject(cam); mPivotPitch = 0; } void SinbadCharacterController::updateBody(Real deltaTime) { mGoalDirection = Vector3::ZERO; // we will calculate this if (mKeyDirection != Vector3::ZERO && mBaseAnimID != ANIM_DANCE) { // calculate actually goal direction in world based on player's key directions mGoalDirection += mKeyDirection.z * mCameraNode->getOrientation().zAxis(); mGoalDirection += mKeyDirection.x * mCameraNode->getOrientation().xAxis(); mGoalDirection.y = 0; mGoalDirection.normalise(); Quaternion toGoal = mBodyNode->getOrientation().zAxis().getRotationTo(mGoalDirection); // calculate how much the character has to turn to face goal direction Real yawToGoal = toGoal.getYaw().valueDegrees(); // this is how much the character CAN turn this frame Real yawAtSpeed = yawToGoal / Math::Abs(yawToGoal) * deltaTime * TURN_SPEED; // reduce "turnability" if we're in midair if (mBaseAnimID == ANIM_JUMP_LOOP) yawAtSpeed *= 0.2f; // turn as much as we can, but not more than we need to if (yawToGoal < 0) yawToGoal = std::min<Real>(0, std::max<Real>(yawToGoal, yawAtSpeed)); //yawToGoal = Math::Clamp<Real>(yawToGoal, yawAtSpeed, 0); else if (yawToGoal > 0) yawToGoal = std::max<Real>(0, std::min<Real>(yawToGoal, yawAtSpeed)); //yawToGoal = Math::Clamp<Real>(yawToGoal, 0, yawAtSpeed); mBodyNode->yaw(Degree(yawToGoal)); // move in current body direction (not the goal direction) mBodyNode->translate(0, 0, deltaTime * RUN_SPEED * mAnims[mBaseAnimID]->getWeight(), Node::TS_LOCAL); } if (mBaseAnimID == ANIM_JUMP_LOOP) { // if we're jumping, add a vertical offset too, and apply gravity mBodyNode->translate(0, mVerticalVelocity * deltaTime, 0, Node::TS_LOCAL); mVerticalVelocity -= GRAVITY * deltaTime; Vector3 pos = mBodyNode->getPosition(); if (pos.y <= CHAR_HEIGHT) { // if we've hit the ground, change to landing state pos.y = CHAR_HEIGHT; mBodyNode->setPosition(pos); setBaseAnimation(ANIM_JUMP_END, true); mTimer = 0; } } } void SinbadCharacterController::updateAnimations(Real deltaTime) { Real baseAnimSpeed = 1; Real topAnimSpeed = 1; mTimer += deltaTime; if (mTopAnimID == ANIM_DRAW_SWORDS) { // flip the draw swords animation if we need to put it back topAnimSpeed = mSwordsDrawn ? -1 : 1; // half-way through the animation is when the hand grasps the handles... if (mTimer >= mAnims[mTopAnimID]->getLength() / 2 && mTimer - deltaTime < mAnims[mTopAnimID]->getLength() / 2) { // so transfer the swords from the sheaths to the hands mBodyEnt->detachAllObjectsFromBone(); mBodyEnt->attachObjectToBone(mSwordsDrawn ? "Sheath.L" : "Handle.L", mSword1); mBodyEnt->attachObjectToBone(mSwordsDrawn ? "Sheath.R" : "Handle.R", mSword2); // change the hand state to grab or let go mAnims[ANIM_HANDS_CLOSED]->setEnabled(!mSwordsDrawn); mAnims[ANIM_HANDS_RELAXED]->setEnabled(mSwordsDrawn); // toggle sword trails if (mSwordsDrawn) { mSwordTrail->setVisible(false); mSwordTrail->removeNode(mSword1->getParentNode()); mSwordTrail->removeNode(mSword2->getParentNode()); } else { mSwordTrail->setVisible(true); mSwordTrail->addNode(mSword1->getParentNode()); mSwordTrail->addNode(mSword2->getParentNode()); } } if (mTimer >= mAnims[mTopAnimID]->getLength()) { // animation is finished, so return to what we were doing before if (mBaseAnimID == ANIM_IDLE_BASE) setTopAnimation(ANIM_IDLE_TOP); else { setTopAnimation(ANIM_RUN_TOP); mAnims[ANIM_RUN_TOP]->setTimePosition(mAnims[ANIM_RUN_BASE]->getTimePosition()); } mSwordsDrawn = !mSwordsDrawn; } } else if (mTopAnimID == ANIM_SLICE_VERTICAL || mTopAnimID == ANIM_SLICE_HORIZONTAL) { if (mTimer >= mAnims[mTopAnimID]->getLength()) { // animation is finished, so return to what we were doing before if (mBaseAnimID == ANIM_IDLE_BASE) setTopAnimation(ANIM_IDLE_TOP); else { setTopAnimation(ANIM_RUN_TOP); mAnims[ANIM_RUN_TOP]->setTimePosition(mAnims[ANIM_RUN_BASE]->getTimePosition()); } } // don't sway hips from side to side when slicing. that's just embarrasing. if (mBaseAnimID == ANIM_IDLE_BASE) baseAnimSpeed = 0; } else if (mBaseAnimID == ANIM_JUMP_START) { if (mTimer >= mAnims[mBaseAnimID]->getLength()) { // takeoff animation finished, so time to leave the ground! setBaseAnimation(ANIM_JUMP_LOOP, true); // apply a jump acceleration to the character mVerticalVelocity = JUMP_ACCEL; } } else if (mBaseAnimID == ANIM_JUMP_END) { if (mTimer >= mAnims[mBaseAnimID]->getLength()) { // safely landed, so go back to running or idling if (mKeyDirection == Vector3::ZERO) { setBaseAnimation(ANIM_IDLE_BASE); setTopAnimation(ANIM_IDLE_TOP); } else { setBaseAnimation(ANIM_RUN_BASE, true); setTopAnimation(ANIM_RUN_TOP, true); } } } // increment the current base and top animation times if (mBaseAnimID != ANIM_NONE) mAnims[mBaseAnimID]->addTime(deltaTime * baseAnimSpeed); if (mTopAnimID != ANIM_NONE) mAnims[mTopAnimID]->addTime(deltaTime * topAnimSpeed); // apply smooth transitioning between our animations fadeAnimations(deltaTime); } void SinbadCharacterController::fadeAnimations(Real deltaTime) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ANIMS; i++) { if (mFadingIn[i]) { // slowly fade this animation in until it has full weight Real newWeight = mAnims[i]->getWeight() + deltaTime * ANIM_FADE_SPEED; mAnims[i]->setWeight(Math::Clamp<Real>(newWeight, 0, 1)); if (newWeight >= 1) mFadingIn[i] = false; } else if (mFadingOut[i]) { // slowly fade this animation out until it has no weight, and then disable it Real newWeight = mAnims[i]->getWeight() - deltaTime * ANIM_FADE_SPEED; mAnims[i]->setWeight(Math::Clamp<Real>(newWeight, 0, 1)); if (newWeight <= 0) { mAnims[i]->setEnabled(false); mFadingOut[i] = false; } } } } void SinbadCharacterController::updateCamera(Real deltaTime) { // place the camera pivot roughly at the character's shoulder mCameraPivot->setPosition(mBodyNode->getPosition() + Vector3::UNIT_Y * CAM_HEIGHT); // move the camera smoothly to the goal Vector3 goalOffset = mCameraGoal->_getDerivedPosition() - mCameraNode->getPosition(); mCameraNode->translate(goalOffset * deltaTime * 9.0f); // always look at the pivot mCameraNode->lookAt(mCameraPivot->_getDerivedPosition(), Node::TS_WORLD); } void SinbadCharacterController::updateCameraGoal(Real deltaYaw, Real deltaPitch, Real deltaZoom) { mCameraPivot->yaw(Degree(deltaYaw), Node::TS_WORLD); // bound the pitch if (!(mPivotPitch + deltaPitch > 25 && deltaPitch > 0) && !(mPivotPitch + deltaPitch < -60 && deltaPitch < 0)) { mCameraPivot->pitch(Degree(deltaPitch), Node::TS_LOCAL); mPivotPitch += deltaPitch; } Real dist = mCameraGoal->_getDerivedPosition().distance(mCameraPivot->_getDerivedPosition()); Real distChange = deltaZoom * dist; // bound the zoom if (!(dist + distChange < 8 && distChange < 0) && !(dist + distChange > 25 && distChange > 0)) { mCameraGoal->translate(0, 0, distChange, Node::TS_LOCAL); } } void SinbadCharacterController::setBaseAnimation(AnimID id, bool reset) { if (mBaseAnimID >= 0 && mBaseAnimID < NUM_ANIMS) { // if we have an old animation, fade it out mFadingIn[mBaseAnimID] = false; mFadingOut[mBaseAnimID] = true; } mBaseAnimID = id; if (id != ANIM_NONE) { // if we have a new animation, enable it and fade it in mAnims[id]->setEnabled(true); mAnims[id]->setWeight(0); mFadingOut[id] = false; mFadingIn[id] = true; if (reset) mAnims[id]->setTimePosition(0); } } void SinbadCharacterController::setTopAnimation(AnimID id, bool reset) { if (mTopAnimID >= 0 && mTopAnimID < NUM_ANIMS) { // if we have an old animation, fade it out mFadingIn[mTopAnimID] = false; mFadingOut[mTopAnimID] = true; } mTopAnimID = id; if (id != ANIM_NONE) { // if we have a new animation, enable it and fade it in mAnims[id]->setEnabled(true); mAnims[id]->setWeight(0); mFadingOut[id] = false; mFadingIn[id] = true; if (reset) mAnims[id]->setTimePosition(0); } } |
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//||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| #ifndef SINBAD_STATE_HPP #define SINBAD_STATE_HPP //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| #include "AppState.hpp" #include "SinbadCharacterController.hpp" #include "DotSceneLoader.hpp" #include "SdkCameraMan.h" #include <OgreSubEntity.h> #include <OgreMaterialManager.h> //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| class SinbadState : public AppState { public: SinbadState(); DECLARE_APPSTATE_CLASS(SinbadState) void enter(); void createScene(); void exit(); bool pause(); void resume(); void buildGUI(); bool keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &keyEventRef); bool keyReleased(const OIS::KeyEvent &keyEventRef); bool mouseMoved(const OIS::MouseEvent &arg); bool mousePressed(const OIS::MouseEvent &arg, OIS::MouseButtonID id); bool mouseReleased(const OIS::MouseEvent &arg, OIS::MouseButtonID id); void itemSelected(OgreBites::SelectMenu* menu); void update(double timeSinceLastFrame); private: OgreBites::ParamsPanel* m_pDetailsPanel; // sample details panel bool m_bQuit; bool m_pCursorWasVisible; // was cursor visible before dialog appeared bool m_pDragLook; // click and drag to free-look OgreBites::SdkCameraMan* m_pCameraMan; SinbadCharacterController* m_pChara; Ogre::NameValuePairList mInfo; // custom sample info }; //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| #endif //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
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//||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| #include "SinbadState.hpp" //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| using namespace Ogre; //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| SinbadState::SinbadState() { mInfo["Title"] = "Untitled"; mInfo["Description"] = ""; mInfo["Category"] = "Unsorted"; mInfo["Thumbnail"] = ""; mInfo["Help"] = ""; m_bQuit = false; m_pDetailsPanel = 0; m_pCamera = 0; m_pCameraMan = 0; m_pChara = 0; } //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| void SinbadState::enter() { OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pLog->logMessage("Entering SinbadState..."); m_pSceneMgr = OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pRoot->createSceneManager(ST_GENERIC, "GameSceneMgr"); m_pCamera = m_pSceneMgr->createCamera("MainCamera"); OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pViewport->setCamera(m_pCamera); m_pCamera->setAspectRatio((Ogre::Real)OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pViewport->getActualWidth() / (Ogre::Real)OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pViewport->getActualHeight()); m_pCamera->setNearClipDistance(5); m_pCameraMan = new OgreBites::SdkCameraMan(m_pCamera); buildGUI(); createScene(); } void SinbadState::createScene() { // set background and some fog //OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pViewport->setBackgroundColour(ColourValue(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f)); //m_pSceneMgr->setFog(Ogre::FOG_LINEAR, ColourValue(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f), 0, 15, 100); // set shadow properties m_pSceneMgr->setShadowTechnique(SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE); m_pSceneMgr->setShadowColour(ColourValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); m_pSceneMgr->setShadowTextureSize(1024); m_pSceneMgr->setShadowTextureCount(1); // disable default camera control so the character can do its own m_pCameraMan->setStyle(OgreBites::CS_MANUAL); // use a small amount of ambient lighting m_pSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)); //set sky m_pSceneMgr->setSkyDome(true, "Examples/CloudySky", 5, 8); // add a bright light above the scene Light* light = m_pSceneMgr->createLight(); light->setType(Light::LT_POINT); light->setPosition(-10, 40, 20); light->setSpecularColour(ColourValue::White); // create a floor mesh resource MeshManager::getSingleton().createPlane("floor", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, Plane(Vector3::UNIT_Y, 0), 100, 100, 10, 10, true, 1, 10, 10, Vector3::UNIT_Z); // create a floor entity, give it a material, and place it at the origin Entity* floor = m_pSceneMgr->createEntity("Floor", "floor"); floor->setMaterialName("Examples/Rockwall"); floor->setCastShadows(false); m_pSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->attachObject(floor); //load scene DotSceneLoader* pDotSceneLoader = new DotSceneLoader(); pDotSceneLoader->parseDotScene("CubeScene.xml", "General", m_pSceneMgr, m_pSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()); delete pDotSceneLoader; m_pCamera->setNearClipDistance(0.1); m_pCamera->setFarClipDistance(100000);//设置大些,否则看不到天空 // create our character controller m_pChara = new SinbadCharacterController(m_pCamera); OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->toggleAdvancedFrameStats(); StringVector items; items.push_back("Help"); OgreBites::ParamsPanel* help = OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->createParamsPanel(OgreBites::TL_TOPLEFT, "HelpMessage", 100, items); help->setParamValue("Help", "H / F1"); } bool SinbadState::pause() { OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pLog->logMessage("Pausing SinbadState..."); return true; } //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| void SinbadState::resume() { OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pLog->logMessage("Resuming SinbadState..."); buildGUI(); OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pViewport->setCamera(m_pCamera); m_bQuit = false; } void SinbadState::exit() { OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pLog->logMessage("Leaving SinbadState..."); m_pSceneMgr->destroyCamera(m_pCamera); if (m_pCameraMan) delete m_pCameraMan; if(m_pSceneMgr) OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pRoot->destroySceneManager(m_pSceneMgr); } bool SinbadState::keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &evt) { if (!OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->isDialogVisible()) m_pChara->injectKeyDown(evt); if(OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_ESCAPE)) { pushAppState(findByName("PauseState")); return true; } if (evt.key == OIS::KC_H || evt.key == OIS::KC_F1) // toggle visibility of help dialog { if (!OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->isDialogVisible() && mInfo["Help"] != "") OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->showOkDialog("Help", mInfo["Help"]); else OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->closeDialog(); } if (OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->isDialogVisible()) return true; // don't process any more keys if dialog is up if (evt.key == OIS::KC_F) // toggle visibility of advanced frame stats { OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->toggleAdvancedFrameStats(); } else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_G) // toggle visibility of even rarer debugging details { if (m_pDetailsPanel->getTrayLocation() == OgreBites::TL_NONE) { OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->moveWidgetToTray(m_pDetailsPanel, OgreBites::TL_TOPRIGHT, 0); m_pDetailsPanel->show(); } else { OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->removeWidgetFromTray(m_pDetailsPanel); m_pDetailsPanel->hide(); } } else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_T) // cycle polygon rendering mode { Ogre::String newVal; Ogre::TextureFilterOptions tfo; unsigned int aniso; switch (m_pDetailsPanel->getParamValue(9).asUTF8()[0]) { case 'B': newVal = "Trilinear"; tfo = Ogre::TFO_TRILINEAR; aniso = 1; break; case 'T': newVal = "Anisotropic"; tfo = Ogre::TFO_ANISOTROPIC; aniso = 8; break; case 'A': newVal = "None"; tfo = Ogre::TFO_NONE; aniso = 1; break; default: newVal = "Bilinear"; tfo = Ogre::TFO_BILINEAR; aniso = 1; } Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().setDefaultTextureFiltering(tfo); Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().setDefaultAnisotropy(aniso); m_pDetailsPanel->setParamValue(9, newVal); } else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_R) // cycle polygon rendering mode { Ogre::String newVal; Ogre::PolygonMode pm; switch (m_pCamera->getPolygonMode()) { case Ogre::PM_SOLID: newVal = "Wireframe"; pm = Ogre::PM_WIREFRAME; break; case Ogre::PM_WIREFRAME: newVal = "Points"; pm = Ogre::PM_POINTS; break; default: newVal = "Solid"; pm = Ogre::PM_SOLID; } m_pCamera->setPolygonMode(pm); m_pDetailsPanel->setParamValue(10, newVal); } else if(evt.key == OIS::KC_F5) // refresh all textures { Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().reloadAll(); } else if (evt.key == OIS::KC_SYSRQ) // take a screenshot { OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pRenderWnd->writeContentsToTimestampedFile("screenshot", ".png"); } m_pCameraMan->injectKeyDown(evt); return true; } //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| bool SinbadState::keyReleased(const OIS::KeyEvent &keyEventRef) { m_pChara->injectKeyUp(keyEventRef); m_pCameraMan->injectKeyUp(keyEventRef); OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->keyPressed(keyEventRef); return true; } bool SinbadState::mouseMoved(const OIS::MouseEvent &evt) { if (!OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->isDialogVisible()) m_pChara->injectMouseMove(evt); if (OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->injectMouseMove(evt)) return true; m_pCameraMan->injectMouseMove(evt); return true; } //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| bool SinbadState::mousePressed(const OIS::MouseEvent &evt, OIS::MouseButtonID id) { // relay input events to character controller if (!OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->isDialogVisible()) m_pChara->injectMouseDown(evt, id); if (OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->injectMouseDown(evt, id)) return true; if (m_pDragLook && id == OIS::MB_Left) { m_pCameraMan->setStyle(OgreBites::CS_MANUAL); OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->hideCursor(); } m_pCameraMan->injectMouseDown(evt, id); return true; } //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| bool SinbadState::mouseReleased(const OIS::MouseEvent &evt, OIS::MouseButtonID id) { if (OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->injectMouseUp(evt, id)) return true; if (m_pDragLook && id == OIS::MB_Left) { m_pCameraMan->setStyle(OgreBites::CS_MANUAL); OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->showCursor(); } m_pCameraMan->injectMouseUp(evt, id); return true; } void SinbadState::update(double timeSinceLastFrame) { m_FrameEvent.timeSinceLastFrame = timeSinceLastFrame; m_pChara->addTime(timeSinceLastFrame/1000); OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->frameRenderingQueued(m_FrameEvent); if(m_bQuit == true) { popAppState(); return; } if (!OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->isDialogVisible()) { m_pCameraMan->frameRenderingQueued(m_FrameEvent); // if dialog isn't up, then update the camera if (m_pDetailsPanel->isVisible()) // if details panel is visible, then update its contents { m_pDetailsPanel->setParamValue(0, Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_pCamera->getDerivedPosition().x)); m_pDetailsPanel->setParamValue(1, Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_pCamera->getDerivedPosition().y)); m_pDetailsPanel->setParamValue(2, Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_pCamera->getDerivedPosition().z)); m_pDetailsPanel->setParamValue(4, Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_pCamera->getDerivedOrientation().w)); m_pDetailsPanel->setParamValue(5, Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_pCamera->getDerivedOrientation().x)); m_pDetailsPanel->setParamValue(6, Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_pCamera->getDerivedOrientation().y)); m_pDetailsPanel->setParamValue(7, Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_pCamera->getDerivedOrientation().z)); } } //getInput(); //moveCamera(); } void SinbadState::buildGUI() { // show stats and logo and hide the cursor OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->showFrameStats(OgreBites::TL_BOTTOMLEFT); OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->showLogo(OgreBites::TL_BOTTOMRIGHT); OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->createLabel(OgreBites::TL_TOP, "GameLbl", "Game mode", 250); OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->hideCursor(); // create a params panel for displaying sample details Ogre::StringVector items; items.push_back("cam.pX"); items.push_back("cam.pY"); items.push_back("cam.pZ"); items.push_back(""); items.push_back("cam.oW"); items.push_back("cam.oX"); items.push_back("cam.oY"); items.push_back("cam.oZ"); items.push_back(""); items.push_back("Filtering"); items.push_back("Poly Mode"); m_pDetailsPanel = OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTrayMgr->createParamsPanel(OgreBites::TL_NONE, "DetailsPanel", 200, items); m_pDetailsPanel->hide(); m_pDetailsPanel->setParamValue(9, "Bilinear"); m_pDetailsPanel->setParamValue(10, "Solid"); } void SinbadState::itemSelected(OgreBites::SelectMenu* menu) { switch(menu->getSelectionIndex()) { case 0: m_pCamera->setPolygonMode(Ogre::PM_SOLID);break; case 1: m_pCamera->setPolygonMode(Ogre::PM_WIREFRAME);break; case 2: m_pCamera->setPolygonMode(Ogre::PM_POINTS);break; } } |
[Downlink href="http://jchblog.u.qiniudn.com/201404/AdvancedOgreFramework-test.zip"]加入了可控制sinbad的Advanced Ogre Framework[/Downlink]
你的ogre SDK是什么版本。我用的1.9 可以生成exe执行文件,但是运行的时候报错Assertion failed!Program: ...REOgreSDK_vc11_v1-9-0bindebugOgreOverlay_d.dllFile: ..........ComponentsOverlaysrcOgre...Manager.cppLine: 52Expression: msSingletonFor information on how your program can cause an assertionfailure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)线程 0x33f0 已退出,返回值为 3 (0x3)。我怀疑 是不是缺了个Overlay System的初始化。 怎么初始化Overlay System
@ohyes 我用网上下载的OgreSDK_vc10_v1-8-1的sdk文件配置后立刻运行成功了,ogre SDK1.9前几天试了一开始有些错误,目前运行还有些问题,可以加我qq交流:1665421845。
@ohyes 很抱歉,好久没有登陆博客了,OGRE我已经好久没接触了,那时是毕业设计用到,我记得那时用的是SDK 1.8版本